No Love for Ikea
On Sat., Kevin and I woke up real early to drive to Montreal and pick up some stuff for the store at Ikea. So we get to the border and I of course tell them that I'm born in Italy. Well I don't have my passport with me and the Canadians don't believe that I'm American so we get stuck waiting at the border for an hour! When we finally get to Ikea guess what? IT'S CLOSED! Because it's Canada Day and I had no idea! So we drive back to Burlington and decide that we'll just wake up real early and drive back the next day.
Crossing the border on Sun is easy but I did bring my passport this time just in case. We get to Ikea no problem and go through, writing down the aisle and bin number for all of the items we have to get in the self serve area. Wouldn't you know that when we get to the self serve area, the 3 most important items on my list are sold out!
No big deal though, I got a lot of other stuff and I figured I'd just order them online. When we get home I place my order and even though shipping costs almost double what I'm actually paying for the items, I really have no choice at this point. But then I find out that it's going to take 2 weeks to get here! I'm suppossed to be open in 2 weeks! So I canceled my order.
The next morning, I call Ikea in Montreal to see when they'll be receiving the items I want and wouldn't you know that they won't be in stock for at least another week and they don't do special orders...
So tomorrow, I'm heading to Target in Saratoga to find some substitute shelving. Hopefully they won't let me down!
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